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pgAdmin 4 (RPM)


Maintainer: pgAdmin Development Team

RPMs for various Redhat and derivative distributions are available from the pgAdmin Yum repository. The following platforms are supported:

Platform Architecture First supported release Last supported release
CentOS/RHEL 7 x86_64 4.22 6.21
AlmaLinux/RHEL/Rocky Linux 8 x86_64 4.22 -
AlmaLinux/RHEL/Rocky Linux 9 x86_64 6.12 -
Fedora 30 x86_64 4.22 4.22
Fedora 31 x86_64 4.22 5.0
Fedora 32 x86_64 4.22 5.4
Fedora 33 x86_64 4.28 6.5
Fedora 34 x86_64 5.3 6.9
Fedora 35 x86_64 6.3 6.18
Fedora 36 x86_64 6.10 7.3
Fedora 37 x86_64 6.16 8.0
Fedora 38 x86_64 7.2 8.6
Fedora 39 x86_64 8.0 -
Fedora 40 x86_64 8.7 -

IMPORTANT NOTE: Packages for distributions that are no longer supported will be archived to, from where they can be manually downloaded. The archive site cannot be used as a repository!

To use this repository, first uninstall any pgAdmin repo packages that you may already have installed, for example; sudo rpm -e pgadmin4-fedora-repo or sudo rpm -e pgadmin4-redhat-repo, and then to setup the repository for this set of builds on Fedora run:

sudo rpm -i

or on AlmaLinux, Rocky, Redhat or CentOS, run:

sudo rpm -i

To install pgAdmin, run one of the following commands:

# Install for both desktop and web modes.
sudo yum install pgadmin4

# Install for desktop mode only.
sudo yum install pgadmin4-desktop

# Install for web mode only.
sudo yum install pgadmin4-web

Finally, if you have installed pgadmin4 or pgadmin4-web, run the web setup script to configure the system to run in web mode:

sudo /usr/pgadmin4/bin/

To upgrade pgAdmin, run the following command:

# Upgrade for both desktop and web modes.
sudo yum upgrade pgadmin4

Alternative Distributions