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PostgreSQL Tools

pgAdmin is the most popular and feature rich Open Source administration and development platform for PostgreSQL, the most advanced Open Source database in the world.

pgAdmin may be used on Linux, Unix, macOS and Windows to manage PostgreSQL and EDB Advanced Server 11 and above.

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Customising your pgAdmin 4 workspace - Part 1: Browser

Author: Anil Sahoo, date: Aug. 24, 2023

If you are reading this then you are probably using pgAdmin as a tool to help in your day to day database management activities with PostgreSQL. But, did you know there are a variety of ways you can maximise your productivity by customising the pgAdmin workspace using the Preferences dialog’s various options? This article will show you some of the options for customising the workspace using the Browser node of the Preferences tree control.

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pgAdmin User Management in Server Mode

Author: Aditya Toshniwal, date: Aug. 24, 2023

pgAdmin can be deployed as a web application by configuring the app to run in server mode. One can check out server deployment on how to run pgAdmin in server mode. In this blog, we will discuss how to manage the pgAdmin users when running in server mode.

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pgAdmin CI/CD

Author: Dave Page, date: Aug. 24, 2023

Almost exactly three years ago I wrote a blog on my personal page entitled Testing pgAdmin which went into great detail discussing how we test pgAdmin prior to releases. Back then, all of the automated testing was performed using Jenkins, with a number of jobs that ran various test suites whenever new code was checked in. All of this infrastructure ran in a virtual private cloud on AWS consisting of a large number of virtual machines and other resources, hosted for the project by EDB. I recently undertook a project to move the testing infrastructure to our Github project, using Github Actions.

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2024-06-27 - pgAdmin 4 v8.9 Released

The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 8.9. This release of pgAdmin 4 includes 20 bug fixes and new features. For more details please see the release notes.

Notable changes in this release include:


  • Provide the option to set a theme based on OS theme preference.


  • Remove the usage of MUI makeStyles as it doesn't support React 18.
  • Fix the permissions issue in the pgAdmin installation directory on Debian and RHEL-8 platforms (CVE-2024-6238).
  • Fixed an issue where resizable data editors in the query tool should not be allowed to resize beyond the app window bounds.
  • Ensure that a user can connect to a server using SSL certificates and identity files from a shared storage.
  • Fixed an issue where the dark theme shows a white background when all tabs are closed.
  • Fixed an issue where the schema diff incorrectly marked tables as different due to schema-qualified trigger functions in the trigger definitions.
  • Fixed an issue where backslash breaks syntax highlighting.
  • Fixed an issue where query tool shortcuts for find/replace are not working.
  • Fixed new line indentation in the query editor and added a user preference to disable it.
  • Fixed migration failure while using an external database.

Download your copy now!

2024-06-06 - pgAdmin 4 v8.8 Released

The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 8.8. This release of pgAdmin 4 includes 5 bug fixes. For more details please see the release notes.

Notable changes in this release include:


  • Fix an issue where user authentication fails with special characters in the password.
  • Fixed an issue where canceling a query without privilege does not display any message on the query tool.
  • Fix the issue where docker with SSL v8.7 fails to start.
  • Fixed an issue where the size displayed as 'NaN B' for all databases in the statistics tab.
  • Fixed an issue where backup and restore operations failed with the error 'This build does not support compression with gzip'.

Download your copy now!

2024-05-30 - pgAdmin 4 v8.7 Released

The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 8.7. This release of pgAdmin 4 includes 19 bug fixes and new features. For more details please see the release notes.

Notable changes in this release include:


  • Added support for the 'Add to macros' feature and fixed various usability issues.
  • Added support for executing the query at the cursor position in the query tool.
  • Changes in Query Tool, Debugger, and ERD Tool shortcuts to remove the use of Accesskey which will allow them to be customized.
  • Added support for viewing PGD Clusters.
  • Enhance the Delete dialog by highlighting the names of the objects to be deleted in bold.
  • Added support for platform Ubuntu 24.04 and Fedora 40.


  • Upgrade react-table from v7 to v8.
  • Ensure that Schema Diff does not indicate a table as different when the trigger names are the same but the trigger function body is different.
  • Fixed an issue of the pgAdmin window size increasing each time it was reopened.
  • Update the documentation for preferences dialog and keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fixed an issue where pgAdmin fails to start when Ubuntu OS is upgraded to a major version.
  • Fixed incorrect highlighting for C-Style escape strings in SQL editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the recover password button was enabled even when no email was provided.
  • Fixed an issue where resetting the password from the password reset link was not working.

Download your copy now!

The current version of pgAdmin 4 is 8.9

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