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Page Not Found (404)

Looks like the page you requested doesn't exist.

postgres=# SELECT page FROM website WHERE url = '/docs/pgadmin4/4.4/sequence_dialog.html';
(0 rows)

Here are pages with the same name from other versions of the documentation that are available:

postgres=# SELECT version, title FROM docs WHERE page = 'sequence_dialog.html';
 version     |                      title
 8.5         | Sequence Dialog — pgAdmin 4 8.5 documentation
 8.4         | Sequence Dialog — pgAdmin 4 8.4 documentation
 8.3         | Sequence Dialog — pgAdmin 4 8.3 documentation
 7.8         | Sequence Dialog — pgAdmin 4 7.8 documentation
 6.21        | Sequence Dialog — pgAdmin 4 6.21 documentation
 Development | Sequence Dialog — pgAdmin 4 8.5 documentation
(6 rows)